MmMm INTERFERENCE - We ♥ Music: "Release Your Soul" - Peven Everett reworked

07 October 2010

"Release Your Soul" - Peven Everett reworked

Here's a soulful tune produced by Chris Werner from Cologne, a very good friend who belongs to the Interference family since day one. He's a natural born drummer playing in different bands. It doesn't matter what style, he masters almost everything from Country to Hardcore. Naturally, Drum&Bass is no trouble for him. His approach to this music is unique and the results are really touching. If you like it, contact us or say it as loud as possible.

1 comment:

  1. A dope little tune that has potential.

    It could be better if there was a touch more variation with the percussion (needs to rollout a little more) and a groovier bassline (would give the drop a touch more impact).

    Thanks anyway...enjoyed it. More please from Chrissy!!!
