When it comes to Electronic Soul Music Dego Mac Farlaine & Marc Mac aka 4Hero are in my view one of the most versatile & influential producers of our times. If you are familiar only with their work as "4Hero" this may sound a bit over the top. But I think you will get an idea of what I mean when you take a look at the brilliant music they made as: Jacob's Optical Stairway, Manix, Maximum Style, Natures Plan, Nu Era, Cousin Cockroach, Mr Good Good, Nutmeg, Pavel Kostiuk, Tek 9, Tom&Jerry, Visioneers etc.
Maybe it would have been better for them to release their music under max. 1-3 moniker instead of "hiding" their work behind all those different names. But I think besides that no one showed better that it's more about the vibe of the music than a genre or a specific tempo...
Here's a short list of outstanding music they did besides 4Hero:
Jacob´s Optical Stairway - Solar Feelings
Visioneers - It's Simple
Tom & Jerry - Dancer
Tek 9 - We're Getting Down
Cousin Cockroach - This ain't Tom n' Jerry
Internal Affairs - Shinin' Down On Me
Nu Era - Capricorn Sun
Dollis Hill: 'Desist' Da Black
... if you like this stuff then buy some of their music right here.